Diminishing importance of Ayurveda

NITI Ayog needs ‘two-eyed’ approach to achieve doctor-population ratio of WHO by 2024

Making our society healthy, conscious of all health titbits and morally and spiritually responsible is equally important as achieving WHO prescription of doctor-population ratio.

Cross pathy and curriculum content corrode AYUSH from within

The money Ministry of AYUSH incur on such mission without doing the root cause correction, it would be a wasteful exercise and nothing else.…

Cross pathy by AYUSH vaidya and AYUSH Ministry

By banning cross pathy and positioning AYUSH as paramedical wellness based system and AYUSH vaidyas as health and wellness experts that as doctor, AYUSH…

AYUSH Ministry must promote auto-healing methods of AYUSH and not cross pathy

Modern medical science also believes strongly in auto-healing or the power of healing from within our body to combat several diseases.

Cross pathy, missing roots of AYUSH for mind healing and growing non communicable diseases

The Ministry of AYUSH must take steps at war footing to promote the role of AYUSH vaidyas in private practice for paramedical and mind…

Yoga & Meditation: Laughed at and tarnished in India; recognised and valued in rest of the world

All that being said, an important aspect of all these practices -- Yoga, Kalaripayattu, Ayurveda, Siddha etc. is their strong roots in vedanta and…

Remove portions of allopathic medicine from the curriculum of AYUSH to end cross pathy

It is an open truth that, cross pathy by several AYUSH vaidyas in private practice has only destroyed the credibility of AYUSH and has…