Cross border terrorism

Pulwama and the other threat

One thing is sure, revenge is on the plate and it will be served, whatever means or time it takes.

Terror – Opposition’s last resort to defeat Modi?

They want the government to act and create a war situation right before India goes for elections in April or May 2019.

हैवानियत की रेस: इंसानों की बेशर्मी देख गिद्ध भी लज्जित हुए

दो गिद्ध अपनी हैवानियत साबित करने जब इंसानों की भीड़ में पहुँचे, एक स्वर में बोले- "हम दोनों ही अपनी हार स्वीकार करते हैं।…

Should we give aid to Pakistan?- A response to Quint’s article

Indians, Sudheendra Kulkarni kind of Indians, need to realize the only way to have peace is to correct the aberration made decades ago.

Good governance, a matter of perception or something tangible?

Analysis of current govt's promises vs. deliveries.

Crossing the line

Our Army is our pride. It has always made us proud Indian.

The Bin Laden moment

India sorely needs a 'Bin Laden' moment, a moment when our forces strike deep within enemy territory to apprehend or eliminate the 'Enemies of…