COVID-19 lockdown

COVID-19: A way forward

This pandemic is a sure warning to us that how “population explosion” is going to create a large magnitude catastrophe in future if we…

The pandemic of lockdown

Aside from good advice to avoid spreading disease, it’s just being respectful, aware of your surroundings, and confident in the space you physically occupy…

India must ask ICMR, NITI Aayog- what new science generated about COVID 19 and novel coronavirus

Time has come India must ask our policy makers such as ICMR, Niti Aayog, DST, DBT, CSIR etc., whether they have collected and analysed…

The protection of rights in the course of COVID-19 pandemic

In this hour hardship the Indian states have showed the path for a balanced administration and the rich competition among the states in their…

Alcoholism: Moral enigma of addicts or a policy mishap?

We need to ask ourselves this question, why people are ready to risk their lives without fearing the pandemic to satisfy their addiction?

Confused over Porcupine, Hedgehog, Echidna similarity and parallel evolution of novel coronavirus

Unfortunately we portrayed novel coronavirus as villain and at the same time as hero and caused confusion, even to the virus.

Boredom is better than martyrdom

It is time to revisit and revise all strategies that have been implemented to flatten the curve. Else, in one fell swoop, everything would…

The pandemic paradox

The psychosomatic or the mental frame has faced a huge blow in the ongoing pandemic.

COVID-19- Life on pause

One important fallout of the Lockdown is that, finally, housewives are reconnecting with their family and strengthen the bond which had frayed due to…

When science start worshiping ‘ghost and shadow’ of coronavirus ‘3W Paradox’ becomes the end product