COVID-19 lockdown helps improving environment

Has the coronavirus given us a second chance at redemption?

A second chance at redemption, to ponder over our existence, how we have lived our lives, ways we have unleashed brutality on nature &…

Lets experience nothing

This lockdown has brought something which we all want to do. Relax.

COVID 19: A soft reset for Delhi woes?

his Covid-19 led situation has provided an opportunity in the form of various surprising and illuminating evidence to think about what we are doing…

COVID-19: A way forward

This pandemic is a sure warning to us that how “population explosion” is going to create a large magnitude catastrophe in future if we…

The pandemic paradox

The psychosomatic or the mental frame has faced a huge blow in the ongoing pandemic.

Coronear 2020- The year of a new beginning

To avoid landing into an existential conundrum, it is important that we start giving back what mother-nature has bestowed upon us. Else, ‘to be…

Can COVID-19 bring a behavioral transformation and help tackle climate change?

What has been a nightmare for the human race has been nothing less than a jackpot for the environment and other species living here…