COVID-19 In India

Lockdown extended in India: Should it be extended or not? Is it a binary Yes/No question?

India lockdown extended! Tough but a great decision.

दैनंदिन संघ साधना से निकलता लोकमंगल का मार्ग

संघ स्वार्थ, प्रसिद्धि या अपनी डंका बजने के लिए सेवा कार्य नहीं करता। 130 करोड़ देशवासी भारत माता की संतान है और अपना बंधु…

Is novel coronavirus ‘super intelligent’ or ‘stupid’ – evolutionary science will defeat our medical approach and lockdown

Are we preventing the virus to escape from human being or are we facilitating the virus to exist with human being, thorough the lockdown…

Let us not chase coronavirus, learn viral mutation in co-morbid environment to prevent more deadly virus to emerge

Blame none; develop endure all threshold; only people of India can practice today.  Because by blaming Modi Indians cannot achieve anything and Indians may…

Right actions at right time by the right government gave right results

After WHO confirming novel corona virus disease on January 12 2020, Indian government started protective measures in January.

Rice to Ethanol: A survival cum revival plan

India has sufficient amount of grains to avoid any starvation like situation

An optimized social structure for rapid socioeconomic growth in Covid era

The havoc this pandemic has created in each one of our lives cannot be denied but the air we have breathed recently is the…

Can one vaccine immunize against a dozen complications

It is as important to check the growth of divisive forces in the society, as it is to curb the spread of COVID-19, by…

राजनीति की गर्म रोटी

क्या ये वक़्त नहीं है कि मुस्लिम समाज के धर्म गुरु बाहर मिडिया में आए और अपने कौम के लोगो को देशहित का रास्ता…

Corona virus traps the poor migrant workers of India

This incident has shone a spotlight on the plight of millions of poor Indians who migrate from villages to cities in search of livelihood…