
‘Make a life’ vs ‘make a living’- Learning it the hard way

While the cooped-up citizenry is ‘busy’ figuring out ways to tip the scale in their favor, the myriad concerns that this pandemic has raised…

Road-map for government actions during and after the coronavirus pandemic

This article provides the steps that governments should be taking as their countries move along the pandemic curve

Start preparing for the new normal in the post-coronavirus world

Actions that we and our governments should take in containing future biological threats.

Short story|From secularism to Hinduism and humanity

Religious radicals are cancer cells of our society. If we don't call them out, they will continue to breed and will eventually kill us

The COVID-19 cases in India are about to surge and here’s what you need to know

Despite multiple efforts carried out by the Indian govet along with medicos and police, to contain the disease in the country; they are slightly…

कोरोना महामारी के समय सुरक्षित खानपान कैसे करें

कोरोनावायरस एक जूनोटिक रोग अर्थात प्राणियों में फैलने वाला रोग है। यह वनस्पतियों को प्रभावित नहीं करता। अतः फल एवं सब्ज़ियां कोरोनावायरस के विकास…

विस्थापन: दर्द की कहानी

विरह के गीत कोरोना संकट के बाद फिर से गाये जायंगे फिर भी गाये जायेंगे क्यूंकि ये ऐसा रस है जो बिहार के कणों…

India is sitting on Corona bomb

Time is ticking away! Government must act firm, right & fast

New challenges for Donald Trump

Covid 19 posses many fresh threats to Donald Trump to be pondered upon.

Mitigating risk of Coronavirus from food products

Food products may not spread Coronavirus. However, to minimise risk of getting infected with food/food packaging being exposed to this virus, food safety must…