coronavirus outbreak

कोरोना महामारी के समय सुरक्षित खानपान कैसे करें

कोरोनावायरस एक जूनोटिक रोग अर्थात प्राणियों में फैलने वाला रोग है। यह वनस्पतियों को प्रभावित नहीं करता। अतः फल एवं सब्ज़ियां कोरोनावायरस के विकास…

Immune boosters from grandma’s healing recipe for COVID 19, option or opportunity

The traditional healing stream must be positioned and promoted for health and general wellbeing or otherwise called paramedical purpose. Today what we need is…

विस्थापन: दर्द की कहानी

विरह के गीत कोरोना संकट के बाद फिर से गाये जायंगे फिर भी गाये जायेंगे क्यूंकि ये ऐसा रस है जो बिहार के कणों…

COVID 19 may bow its head and supremacy to Indians- A scientific insight

Scientists all over the world are looking at India very curiously and are wondering why COVID 19 is behaving so differently in India.

कोरोना की भयावहता और भारतीय कानून

भारत सरकार की जैविक प्रबंधन आपदा के 2008 रिपोर्ट में कहा गया की 1897 की महामारी कानून सक्षम नहीं है एवं इसे बदलने की…

It’s time to keep to keep religious identity aside: The reality of Corona Jihad?

There is a high chance that the extremist terrorist group can use this weapon to further worsen the situation by accelerating the local transmission…

Idling away valuable time is not worthy

This is a valuable time to develop a new sense of thinking, throwing away negativity and replacing it with immense positivity, new way of…

No city for the poor

Landless, homeless and cashless people in countless numbers, suddenly discovered that suddenly, their struggle(s) in life changed in just a matter of few days.

Cut the BS. Stay home. Shut up

All those who oppose everything done by the govt., must remember that dissent is the essence of democracy, but howling all bad, is no…

Tablighi Jamaat and its dreadful fallout

When the country-India, has been somewhat smooth sailing, compared to European nations and US, this sudden calamitous spread of covid happened because of the…