coronavirus infected people

Covid-19 and racism: How did the Indians react?

The victims of ‘ethnicity-based racism’ are people from the North-East states of India. The main reason behind such racism is that they do not…

Time for God to step in

It is time that the wealth accumulated due to the offerings of the people be used for their welfare itself.

Without a vaccine -The pandemic is going nowhere?

No point or purpose will be served, in cacophonously clamouring that the rulers were doing this and that or not doing this and that,…

जिहादी सोच वही, अंदाज़ नया

अभी के कोरोना संकट में जो तब्लीगी जमात ने किया वो फिर से इस बात की पुष्टि करता है की मुस्लमान परिवार सहित मरने…

क्या कोरोना का फैलना एक संयोग है या फिर एक प्रयोग?

ये बात अचंभित करती है कि चीन आज दुनिया के लिए खतरा बन चुका कोरोना वायरस को सुरक्षा के लिए ख़तरा नही मान रहा…