
Arvind Kejriwal – A crusader against corruption to a punching bag

The journey of a man from a crusader against corruption to a lonely punching bag deserted by his own masters and followers, is a…

Dr. Manmohan Singh – with all due respect, can you please just retire already?

This country stood by you for two terms but now, people do not take lightly to when you say the defense forces of the…

Know the real problem of Raghul Gandhi, the great Dynast Naamdar, save India, elect Modi

After uttering all such nonsense and ignorant statements, the dynast often used to keep his face and body language ‘GREAT’; thinking as if he…

अब होगा “न्याय” तो अभी तक अन्याय क्यों किया?

आज़ादी के बाद से वर्तमान तक जब देश में 60 सालों तक कांग्रेस की सरकार रही तब आपको न्याय करने की फुर्सत नहीं मिली…

The era of Bhasmasurs: Opposition’s every trick is back-firing them so well!

Indian opposition is acting like Bhasmasur ever since they're kicked out of power.

NYAY recalls our disastrous romance with socialism

The Pakoda stall concept of mini business model example given by the PM, to boost self employment through small and mini enterprises becomes very…

Are you an Indian or British? Save India, elect Narendra Modi led BJP

Indian politics has touched new low with the war cry of the ‘HYPER LOYALIST’ of Gandhi family over the notice issued by MHA asking…

फिर एक बार मोदी सरकार

मोदी जी को हटाना है और इस प्रक्रिया में अगर ज़मीर भी बेचना पड़े तो विपक्षी दल व मीडिया का एक वर्ग वो भी…

The real danger to Indian democracy

The opposition crying wolf that democracy is in danger may actually come true in 2024, but not because of Modi as they say, but…

When Psephology becomes victim of ideology – How Congress spread fake survey

In name of psephology, political propaganda is being dished out, and it is not good for this domain of knowledge.