colonised indian education

Has the Hindu holocaust/genocide been forgotten by modern Historians?

The History textbooks that we study in school only dedicated a few pages for the brave warriors who protected their dharma despite being put…

Who moved my narrative? Curious case of Indian elites

For the first time in the history of Independent India, the Indian Elites are clueless about how to regain control over information and the…

I am a Hindu and my religion made me human!

Mr. Yechuri please read Ramayana and Mahabharata once, they clearly condemns violence and wars. It is the last choice against Adharma.

The impact of distortion of history

After years of sterilisation of our history we as a Hindu community are ok with demonization of our religion, our culture and even our…

Why we need Nationalism: Enemies of Indian nationalism

Loss of nationalism makes the culture, people and societies of that country highly vulnerable.

Here is why the book Urban Naxals is a must read, especially for the parents of young children

The book is not only about how the film "Buddha in a Traffic Jam" was made, it is also about the journey of the…

बौद्धिक आतंकवाद का मूल हमारी शिक्षा नीति में निहित “भय का भाव” है

हमारी सभ्यता में "मुक्तचिन्तन" की परंपरा का विस्थापन "आईडोलॉजिकल स्कूलिंग" नाम की बीमारी से हो गया है। हमारी प्राथमिक और माध्यमिक शिक्षा मुख्य रूप…

Why are INDIA and BHARAT different?

India is a new country, only 72 years old. Bharat, on the other hand, is at least 6000 years old. We need to know…

Pulwama and the Left: Seven decades of cultural and intellectual banditry

Here are some compelling reasons, and myths that have been systematically built and fed into almost six generations of Indians since India's year of…

India’s forced identity crisis

From outside India appears to be a diverse country with multiculturalism at its maximum, but from within, we are hollow.