
A ludicrous attempt of defending the undefendable

Does the imbecile leftist intelligentsia know that it is just trying to Defend the Undefendable?

दुनिया और बीमारी…जानें कब किस बीमारी ने दुनिया में फैलाई मौत की दहशत

ये कोई पहला मौका नहीं है जब धरती पर किसी महामारी के चलते संकट फैला है. इससे पहले भी कई बार एक समय अंतराल…

Coronavirus isn’t a threat to humanity; China is!

The champions of democracy are trying to make this world a China, where there can only be one voice, all other different voices, views…

China is at fault. Yet unlikely to be punished

Trump may call Corona a Chinese Virus but that’s that. Don’t expect anything more than that. That’s only rhetoric.

COVID’s conundrum- “A dubious issue”

The lesson to be learnt here is the efficacy of the United Nation and its Agencies must not be compromised.

लाल सलाम से लाल कोरोना तक! और कितनी जानें लोगे वामपंथियों?

तानाशाही व्यवस्था वाले चीन से यूँ तो ज़्यादा खबरें बाहर नहीं आतीं, परन्तु इस बार कुछ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मीडिया में ये खबरें छपी है के…

Coronavirus will hit India from Pakistan, not China

The way people flying from China, Thailand, Hong-Kong are screened, is there a mandatory screening done at ports for the sea routes and for…

When would Mufti and Abdullah be set free?

India’s enemies are investing much in the hope that Muftis and Abdullahs would be free soon

Hong Kong protests – A David’s slingshot against monstrous Goliath

Passing the ‘extradition bill’ which has massive implications, without even holding a referendum was just begging for a complete loss of confidence in the…

India-China relations: tackling the monster next door

So far, Modi and his team have displayed rare resolve and reasonableness in dealing with a more aggressive and assertive China