China US relations

World Health Organization Director-General Dr Tedros’ dubious record

WHO because of Dr Tedros has become a joke and a puppet of China!

Coronavirus isn’t a threat to humanity; China is!

The champions of democracy are trying to make this world a China, where there can only be one voice, all other different voices, views…

Corona: A pandemic or a well-planned strategy?

Is China a new super-power having its tight hold on UN as well as on WHO?

China is at fault. Yet unlikely to be punished

Trump may call Corona a Chinese Virus but that’s that. Don’t expect anything more than that. That’s only rhetoric.

Trade War between US & China and why PM Modi’s moves make sense

The trade war between US and China is affecting the entire world's economy including weakening rupee value.

US – China trade war- Is there more to it than trade?

Is Trump playing hard ball to get China to the negotiating table for a better trade deal?

OBOR: Packing China’s need as Xi-Jinping’s dream

China might have never expected that India has any guts to skip its invitation OBOR.

How Trump’s new policy for H-1B visa may effect India more?

70% of H-1B visa is covered by Indians and the outsourcing firm for H-1B visa earns about 10% of India's GDP. Now there is…