
Online streaming platforms require content censorship

Its high time to regulate the unregulated, uncertified, sexually explicit, pornographic, vulgar, profane and legally restricted contents broadcasted on the online platforms including (but…

My response to Justice Katju’s article that was not published by DailyO

Justice Katju had argued that Indians don't care about civil liberties or rights. He is not right.

Shashi Tharoor : Hypocrisy Unlimited

Was all that the Congress did democratic?

My open letter to Deepika Padukone

Stop your hypocrisy and let society decide what they want to see and what they don't want to see.

No Freedom of speech on Leftist portal TheWire.in

On censorship in left liberal media

Beep Song Vs Beef Ban – How the Left groups decide our Freedom to do anything

Leftist hypocrisy on freedom of expression