British Empire

Here are some lesser known facts about Savarkar on this independence day

Savarkar is one of those few people who are revered and demonised in our history.

Myths & Facts about Articles 370 & 35A of the Indian Constitution

Checking out what best can be done to Article 370 & 35A, keeping its history in mind.

A glass half full: Didn’t the British also liberate India?

When the British left, India not only gained independence from 200 years of British rule but actually almost a 1000 years of foreign rule

70 years passed and we are still slaves of British, mentally

India has seen a vast growth in almost every sector but still today we are mental slaves of Colonial rule with the spectacles of…

How conventional wisdom has sunk its followers: Indian National Congress the latest example

conventional wisdom has been proved dangerous for British Empire, Congress in India or Hillary in USA.