Amartya Sen

Countering emotivism in economics

All economies should focus on self-sufficiency where they can provide for all without any dependence on external sources. This change in priorities of the…

Amartya Sen’s freedom of expression and Left’s amnesia

Labeling any criticism of left and Islam as trolling while that of Right and Hinduism as rational endeavour.

Sunlight is said to be the best of disinfectants

To expose our liberals' views in the sunlight (which even keeps venomous snakes away) will only help in awakening our asleep citizens and begin…

Why The New York Times article on Donald Trump is all smoke and no substance

The article was an opinion piece by Eric Maskin and Amartya Sen.

An Argumentative Poor Indian

I have always emphasized the importance of poor in Nobel Prize winning topics, in Oscar-winning scripts, in JNU dissertations, in trending columns of NDTV,…