Abusing Hinduism

Jack Dorsey an ill-informed Gullible about Racism behind ‘Smash Brahminical Patriarchy’ Placard

He did it, and did it intentionally, a plan that had been formulated well in advance – as it seems; the way this gentleman…

God and Tamil culture are inseparable, let us save the state from Draidian, Aryan myth

To divert people’s attention from Hindu cultural linkage of Tamil language and Sanskrit, the myth or illusion called Dravidian origin and Aryan invasion was…

The horror of CPI(M) made even God to fear in God’s own land –Kerala

People of India in general and people of Kerala in particular must reply through ballot box towards the devilish atrocities of the left against…

Ram mandir is a fight between a ‘culture of vandalism’ and a ‘culture of creativity’

Reconstruction of Rama Temple doesn’t signify the ‘Making of Hindu Rastra’ but reaffirms that no temples, no mosques, no churches will be destroyed ever…

Sabrimala: The misunderstood love-story

Clarifying some doubts of Barkha Dutt, and specially in her recent story was titled ‘Shame at Sabarimala’.

This is why liberal -Rajdeep Sardesai and Ramachandra Guha’s enthusiasm to paint all Hindus bad, is diabolical

Mr. Rajdeep and Ramachandra Guha conveniently use Gandhi ji to shield their views, but mock him for his views about religious conversions and moral…

Is there indeed ‘gender discrimination’ in Sabarimala?

The age-old tradition is not based on ‘discrimination’ but is based on ‘distinction.’

My thoughts on core: An agenda for the man on the street

If we do not reveal the truth of our past, how our glory was ruined by invaders, our generation will not sustain as Hindu.

Sabarimala verdict- Where it failed

The SC should have avoided itself from delivering the verdict for those who are not even going to worship at Sabarimala but has fueled…

Reclaiming cultural identity is not antithetical to development

The root cause of liberals' frustration is the rising consciousness of masses about their cultural identity.