Aazadi of Kashmir

Can Kashmir really survive after ‘Aazadi’? My short submission

A Kashmiri professor says that majority of Kashmiris want autonomy or aazadi, but what next?

The Konspiracy called Kashmiriyat

Political correctness in name of Kashmiriyat of Indian govt so far has ruined Kashmir as an integral part of the country.

Two best solutions to Kashmir issue

Two Simple Solutions to adress Kashmir issue which Pakistan may not accept.

Flashpoint Kashmir: How and why an average Kashmiri is robbed of his dreams

Islamic terrorists are using Kashmiri school children as puppets for their evil game in Jammu & Kashmir

The other side of “Kashmiriyat”

Kashmiri Pundits don't have homes, religion, or self-esteem or even human rights. They just have Indian Army.

Practical, theoretical and psychological take on Kashmir issue

The article consists practical, theoretical and psychological views on the Kashmir issue, focusing on illegal occupation of Kashmir by Pakistan.

Is there a JNU scam? The question nobody asks

Someone at JNU needs to go behind bars, but not for celebrity crimes like sedition. Perhaps someone at JNU needs to go behind bars…