
Support PM Modi to save India from ‘Wolf in sheep’s clothing’ politics

The anti-Indian elements tries to demean the great mission of Modi as religious partial-ism and anti-minority politics.

Delhi’s Bermuda Triangle

Arvind Kejriwal sold a concept, an idea that says "we the common people of India are capable enough to understand the intricacies of the…

दिल्ली दंगे से अमित शाह बच निकले

इसे रोका जा सकता था यदि अमित शाह चाहते तब. पर इसके लिए उन्हें वो कदम उठाना पड़ता जो लोकतंत्र के लिए अच्छा नहीं…

These hypocrites disregarding constitution and misguiding people are to blame for Delhi riots

Would things would have come to this brutal stage if the hypocritic lobby of opposition political parties, media and Bollywood have said truths to…

Delhi: Collateral damage for nation building

Delhi is the collateral damage the country is bearing to usher Indian Democracy back to a two party democracy with a strong sensible opposition. 

The bleeding heart of a Dilli Wala

Ground Reports gathered from different cities on a personal level confirm the fact that Shaheen Bagh protests and the daily updates were being relayed…

Delhi violence is no longer a protest but sheer terrorism

Delhi is burning. Muslim mob have turned violent and have started to terrorize everyone who supports CAA.

Chota Modi, Hauman Chalisa et al

Why Kejriwal is so important and why Delhi win is being blown out of proportions?

What Hindus must realize in the era of soft-Hindutwa politics

Victory of true Hinduism and Hindutwa means the victory of India, its tradition, culture, spiritual essence, tolerance, unity in diversity, universal brotherhood etc. BJP…

Is Prashant Kishore converting India to soft Hindutwa at subterranean level?

All those who abuses Hindus and engaged in raw minority appeasement politics such as congress party of the dynast, communist, RJD etc., were totally…