
The inconvenient truth of China-centric globalization

China is a brilliant case study to illustrate how globalization can change the fortune of a nation and how overwhelming economic dependence on a…

Live poultry markets must also concern us

Vegetarianism brings no health threat to the consumer and no life threat to any animal or bird.

Building gender inclusive cities

Time and again women are constantly troubled by the fear of violence while using public spaces but what they actually jeopardy is essentially the…

Bad loan of 68000 Crore written off: Revisiting the Anatomy

Given the prolonged impact of lockdown, the government not only announced an economic package for the industrial sector but intensively working to help the…

Lockdown extended in India: Should it be extended or not? Is it a binary Yes/No question?

India lockdown extended! Tough but a great decision.

Irrfan a journey

Not only he was a terrific actor he was also a wonderful person in real life.

We Architects deserve the supreme court decision on Architectural practice

Will the honorable Supreme court's intervention solve the problem?

दैनंदिन संघ साधना से निकलता लोकमंगल का मार्ग

संघ स्वार्थ, प्रसिद्धि या अपनी डंका बजने के लिए सेवा कार्य नहीं करता। 130 करोड़ देशवासी भारत माता की संतान है और अपना बंधु…

Remembering the unforgettable!

As the entire nation mourns the loss of Irfan Khan and Rishi Kapoor, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that no matter how…

Right actions at right time by the right government gave right results

After WHO confirming novel corona virus disease on January 12 2020, Indian government started protective measures in January.