
What is a Time Capsule, what it may contain and why “Kaalpatra” was controversial

What is time capsule? Time capsule is a historic cache of goods or information, deliberately buried to communicate with future generation and help archaeologist…

मोपला में हुआ हिंदुओं का नरसंहार और नॉर्थ ईस्ट दिल्ली में हुए दंगे

यह महज एक हिंदू-मुस्लिम दंगा नहीं अपितु नियोजित सोद्देश्य हिंसा थी उन लोगो ने देखते ही देखते मोपला के 20 हजार से भी ज्यादा…

शिक्षा नीति या आत्मनिर्भर भारत

अब पांचवी कक्षा तक की शिक्षा मातृ भाषा में होगी अब ये सबसे प्रमुख बदलाव हैं क्योंकि हम या आने वाली पीढ़ी कहीं ना…

Once nurturer, America is a hoarder of talent now

The allure of the American Dream is now a net negative for H1B workers and the Global community.

Challenges and opportunities for the higher education system: Co-existing with COVID-19

Indian students and parents need to adapt new way of virtual learning.

#COVID19 India : Active cases growth rate declining, recoveries increasing

At last, all the efforts taken by govt and followed by citizens showing some betterment.

‘The Appealing’ vs ‘The Appalling’

This ongoing pandemic has not only brought ailments to health and economy but also dungeon of darkness by ceasing employment opportunities for students who…


India's secularism, so much contradiction!

The off track Sushashan: Tracing the straying governance in Bihar

The track of Sushashan seems to be lost in the battle for chair. Analyzing the aftermath complexities of the Nitish regime possibly indicates whether…

IPL– It’s a factor in evolution of Indian Cricket

IPL is a big factor in the evolution of cricket in the country and it deserves a priority, if needed there can be an…