
Why western criticism of Indian democracy is flawed

Is conventional democracy the only and ultimate form of governance?

From JNU to Ramjas: What we need to understand

Why Communists are moving hand in hand with Afghanistan in Indian universities, who were once at the loggerhead.

Education & Government’s shirking responsibility

Recently, Government has imposed an upper limit on fees for the private run school. How much justified is that?

Why triple talaq is unconstitutional: A legal perspective

If the Muslim personal law in criminal matters have long been abolished with no complaints from the community, why objections over Triple Talaq?

Not enough outrage

This new media called Social Media is not so different from its big brother MSM. If only your story falls in this outrage friendly…

हिंदी भाषा का बढ़ता अंग्रेजीकरण

हिंदी भाषा मे बढ़ते प्रदूषण के लिए मीडिया से ज्यादा हम एक समाज के तौर जिम्मेदार है। न जाने कितनी बार हम हिंदी भाषा…

How vegetarianism makes environment as well as economy stronger

Why do the researchers claim that reduction in chicken, mutton, pork and beef consumption can save the planet?

The slow and steady demise of Indian National Congress

The fall of Congress is so bad that it is not in position to throw even a challenge to BJP till 2019 General Election.

नवसंवत्सर एक नये सफर की शुरूआत

नव संवत्सर नववर्ष नवरात्रि नवभोर, समय है अपनी जड़ों को पोषित करने का समय है आगे बढ़ने का।

The crime of walking on the street, and why I support Yogi Adityanath

Before taking a moral high ground and indulging in virtue signalling, read about real problems.