
साम्यवाद – लोकतंत्र और राष्ट्रीय अखंडता के लिए खतरा

साम्यवाद में प्रतिएक मानव को संदेह की दृष्टि से देखने की प्रवृत्ति के कारण राजकीय तंत्र (सरकारी अफसर, प्रशाशन, सेना) सकती से काम करे…

It’s time to keep to keep religious identity aside: The reality of Corona Jihad?

There is a high chance that the extremist terrorist group can use this weapon to further worsen the situation by accelerating the local transmission…

Why world needs to unite against “Chinese virus”

China has already started its game and unfortunately whole world is victim now. Its time to get united against Chinese virus first and then…

COVID-19 Pandemic- Limitations of 20th century solutions for a 21st century problem

A take on why the world of today, run by 20th century principles,has come out short when confronted with the Covid-19 pandemic, a 21st…

India is sitting on Corona bomb

Time is ticking away! Government must act firm, right & fast

Travel tales: Copenhagen- of mermaid, Chinese and cannabis

Travel story from a day spent in Copenhagen in the good old days, with a 'Chinese touch'.

Idling away valuable time is not worthy

This is a valuable time to develop a new sense of thinking, throwing away negativity and replacing it with immense positivity, new way of…

Cut the BS. Stay home. Shut up

All those who oppose everything done by the govt., must remember that dissent is the essence of democracy, but howling all bad, is no…

The virtues of being a Muslim in India

In these testing times Temples have opened their doors and have donated several hundred crores of rupees. Minority religious institution have failed in providing…

Coronavirus isn’t a threat to humanity; China is!

The champions of democracy are trying to make this world a China, where there can only be one voice, all other different voices, views…