
Professor Ram Guha is lying. Again!

Left Liberals can take to lying like water to fish, Important that we find it and nail them.

Youth’s attraction to Hinduphobia and leftist narrative

The leftist ideology is the easy way out. It is something that if observed from a distance will seem virtuous by default.

Is proselytization a tool of radicalization?

Interesting war amongst converts with non-converts and with newly converts!

Corona-virus crisis offers a good chance for structural reforms

A policy change forced by a crisis has often helped in India. Take for example the economic liberation in 1991. Will the development oriented…

Fighting the unseen

Unseen or microscopic are these organisms which are studied in the subject microbiology. A subject which has remained underneath since year and failed to…

Wheels of justice thou shalt not halt

The system of checks and balances is what a democracy is all about and the judiciary plays the most important and proactive role in…

Living through history

The current situation is noting short of living through history and one should never forget the key learning from this pandemic that has engulfed…

दोगलों की दुनिया

देवी के 9 रूपों की महिमा का बखान, देवी के जीवनदायिनी रूप से लेकर महिषासुरमर्दिनी स्वरूप की पूजा, लेकिन सवाल यह उठता है कि…

हम राम के भक्त है या बाबर के वारिस?

बाबर विदेशी हमलावर, हमारा शत्रु था। बाबर के संबंध में गुरु नानकदेवजी ने कहा है, बाबर का राज माने पाप की बारात। उस बाबर…