
वैश्विक नेता के रूप में मोदी का बढ़ता कद

प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी एक अभिभावक की भूमिका निभाते हुए अपने एक-एक नागरिक की सुरक्षा का ध्यान रखते हुए अधिकतम लोगों को यहाँ लाने में…

Mistakes not missiles- What should move the liberal Indian

To merely pinpoint to the faults of others and to advocate that the Jamaat is not the solitary guilty party is like saying that…

The rotten heads of Muslim society

The reason why Muslims live in groups today is because of the isolation of this society. Gradually, as they became isolated from society, they…

Is novel coronavirus, ‘accidental’ child of evolution or born to save Pangolin, slain man?

Novel coronavirus is just a little storm in the tea cup to all healthy individuals. Why we lock the virus or go after the…

Keep epidemiology and medical wisdom bystander, bring microbiology and evolutionary wisdom to solve novel coronavirus crisis

It looks like, the panic of novel coronavirus to leave human host may the problem that we have exaggerated as ours and otherwise the…

India must assert her interest in Afghanistan

In a situation which is constantly developing and has the possibility of multifarious outcomes, India must constantly try to pre-empt the status quo and…

Making a case for the safety of health professionals in India

The least a govt and a society can ensure is, the health workers should have a violence-free environment to work as its absence can…

Modi govt vis-a-vis Bengal politics: What can a policy of ‘endless patience’ deliver?

Will the policy of endless patience and unwillingness to take any drastic action help tackling the grave pandemic? Or, would it snatch away all…

Is novel coronavirus ‘super intelligent’ or ‘stupid’ – evolutionary science will defeat our medical approach and lockdown

Are we preventing the virus to escape from human being or are we facilitating the virus to exist with human being, thorough the lockdown…

Let us not chase coronavirus, learn viral mutation in co-morbid environment to prevent more deadly virus to emerge

Blame none; develop endure all threshold; only people of India can practice today.  Because by blaming Modi Indians cannot achieve anything and Indians may…