
Why Artisan should Join hands with Uthhan

Artisans are the backbone of India’s non- farming rural economy, engaged in craft production. However, there is a rapid reduction in the number of…

The homecoming of the Lords – Bahuda Yatra

Ratha Yatra also known as Ratha or Ghosa Jatra falls on the Suklapaksha Dwitiya tithi of the Asadha month, when Lord Jagannath or the…

How is Covid 19 shaping the education sector?

Online education has manifested the futility of having a plethora of Facilitation and Regional Centres in remote places when every activity can be integrated,…

Digital strike: Rights and wrongs

Tik Tok has been used in India more than any nation. Even more than China. So, from this, you can understand the money Tik…

Irrational liberals: How Brahmins who were being continuously persecuted during medieval centuries could have persecuted Dalits in Mughal/British times ?

Islamic rulers enjoyed their stay in India using our capacity of wealth creation but kept on inflicting deep wounds in the structure of our…

चाईनीज मानसिकता पर प्रहार

सवाल ये है कि हम चाइनीज सामान लेना बंद कर सकते हैं पर ये चाइनीज मानसिकता वाले होनहारों से कैसे निपटा जाये जिनका लक्ष्य…

Is nepotism in Bollywood a genuine problem or a propaganda to hide something?

Just last year, Mr. Rahul Gandhi the epitome of nepotism, whose only qualification is that he is a part of Gandhi-Nehru family, was contesting…

Hinduism and its valuable lessons

When the mind engages in selfish desires it evaluates success and failures and never gets the freedom. The mind needs diversion from selfish to…

भारत और चीन के बीच तनाव का फ़ायदा लेने के लिए पाकिस्तान की उछल-कूद, भारत की मौजूदा रणनीति से घबराया पाक लगा रहा है आरोप

भारत सरकार की सूझ-बुझ व देश के बुलंद उत्साह के चलते जम्मू-कश्मीर मामले पर पाकिस्तान की एक भी न चली। मगर अब भी मुह…

Secularism or pseudo-secularism?

The terms 'Secularism' and 'Socialism' were imposed by then former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in the 42nd amendment to the constitution during 1975 Emergency.