
Dharma is rising again

2020 is a horrible year, but this year has also brought many great moments like Bhumi Pujan of Great Ram Mandir in Ayodhya, a…

Reject Rashtrawad: Redefining our sense of Rashtra

The aspect of spirituality calls for critical interventions on the term rashtrawad which is used as a synonym for nationalism in the Bharatiya context.

No calm after the storm in the battleground in America: Should India be concerned?

India has nothing to be concerned about the inevitable change taking shape in Washington. India is a rising power politically, economically, militarily, intellectually, and…

What happens if we don’t celebrate Deepavali with crackers?

To hide his failure in managing air pollution, Felhi CM Arvind Kejriwal is putting full ban on fire crackers since from so many years.…

Why are we Indians even celebrating birthdays?

Birthdays were never celebrated in India. The expectations that come with Birthdays are making us sad and depressed and we must address this

Sr Adv Dave’s letter to SC on Arnab’s bail- Flimsy/farcical?

Mr Dave strangely decided to use his position at the Bar to bring matter of equality before SC and almost in a manner to…

Bihar: Elections that offered much more than victories, defeats

Key takeaways from this election are, even though NDA has won, the victory is not decisive. BJP will have a remote control of Bihar…

Biden, a worry for India?

Digest the fact that people of India have voted for Modi with 303 seats. Accept the verdict and even if you don’t, we have…

सर्वहारा और मोदी

हे वामपंथी लम्पटों! अपने एलीटिज़म से बाहर निकलों, ज़मीनी हक़ीक़त को समझों और काम की बात करों। वर्ना सर्वहारा तो तुम्हारा मार्क्सवादी यूटोपिया कब…

Assimilating English into the wave of Hindutva

If we are to popularize a culture-rooted narrative, English shall be of great import. It is possible to not adopt the anglophile elitism and…