An avid reader, knowledge seeker, having interest in International affairs, geopolitics, International Finance, Economic Affairs After completion my graduation i had worked as Software Developer on three tier architecture platforms, I am currently self employed from Chennai I am nationalist and avid supporter of BJP and possessing three decades of experience in Indian politics In 2019 As Project Secretary of RYACOSMO Foundation an NGO based in Chennai providing subsidized medicare to marginalized sections of the society. Being active in Social media have raised many issues to combat propaganda and build objective view in societies. Right now airing my views as columnist on,,, OpIndia. Follow me on Facebook : Twitter : Linked In : Email : YouTube : Instagram :

A contrasting tale of two democracies: Fighting collectively in unison vs fighting for its survival Vis-à-vis imperialist Neo Nazi Communist Party of China

Former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has stated that 'Answer to almost every question about China is India' and advocated a free trade agreement…

Techdictocracy : The new age digital martial law of Silicon Valley

The rules set by the aristocrats of Tech Tyrants can be termed as #Techdictocracy. The new age Digital Marshall law norms of these Tech…

Impact of stimulus on asset class leading to higher public debt & possible debt defaults

Debasement of currency due to unlimited money printing & stimulus by Central Banks across the globe With prices surging across all asset class be…

Surge of saffronization helps in revival of nationalist passion in West Bengal

to remain in power Mamta Banerjee for the sake of vote bank politics started appeasing 30% Muslim population of the state by doling out…

Why Biden presidency is an extension of Trump Foreign policy 2.0

It will be hard for Biden to undo the policy decisions of Trump administration ranging from the Middle East, China, India, Taiwan, Tibet &…