Sameer Guduru

Doctorate in Physics, Masters in International Studies, Avid traveler, cocktail & wine expert, Visakhapatnam, Milano, Marseille

The metro-centric democracy

We need to move out of the metro cities not only physically but also psychologically. Let us not remain the “Metro-centric” democracy even in…

South India and the metamorphosis of identity politics post 2019 elections: Is it time for decentralization?

Why should the decision of the construction of a subway in South India be taken some 1000 miles away in Delhi?

The regressive leftist, liberal and nationalist

The left in India today has only two issues of importance to deal with 1) Secularism & 2) Intolerance and have completely failed as…

Political correctness and the death of honesty in democracy

The culmination of PC would be in the destruction and death of democracy itself. Do we want that?

A plate full of agendas for the new government

The new government needs to act on a war footing and identify priorities immediately after inception. The economy, education, health, agriculture and unemployment will…

The environmental impact of an Indian election

The election merchandises, the rallies, the loud speakers, massive fuel consumption for freights of politicians going for rallies are some of the very latent…