हम हिन्दू व सहिष्णुता

आदिकाल से भारत भूमि ने हमेशा संकट से घिरे हुओं को स्वयं पर घाव झेल कर भी शरण दी। किन्तु आज इसके मूल धर्म…

Just not cricket

In our quest for the same we end up ignoring the actual soul.... the game itself

The other side of the Rohingya Issue which media hides

Liberals in India are supporting PIL by Rohingyas in supreme court under Article 21, which provide to life and liberty to all the citizens…

Rana Ayyub torn apart with evidences on her fiction “Gujarat Files”

the Supreme Court today threw out journalist Rana Ayyub’s book ‘Gujarat Files’ which was cited by Centre for Public Interest Litigation, the NGO which…

Sanjiv Bhatt’s crimes covered up by the media- exposed here

Disgraced former IPS officer Sanjiv Bhatt has been sentenced to life imprisonment in a custodial death case of 1989 by a Jamnagar court. This…

Like doctors of Bengal, Dalits and Doctors were attacked by Muslims in Gujarat in 2002- ignored by the media

The situation that the doctors find themselves in now, is comparable to the situation Dalits found themselves in Gujarat in the 2002 riots. Fanatic…

Difference in outrage over Kathua and Godhra – How the ‘secularists’ defended heinous killers & insulted the dead victims of Godhra

The ability of the Leftists to twist the narrative to slander BJP and Hindu nationalists is truly extra-ordinary.

[West Bengal] Muslim mob pelt stone and vandalize roadside shops after residents protested against alcohol consumption outside their house

A part of the Muslim mob entered the house of one Hindu resident and assaulted the owner and his grandson.

Al Qaeda releases video on Kashmir, criticizes Pakistan for exploiting the Mujahideen for their political objectives

Al Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri has called upon jihadists to single-mindedly focus on inflicting unrelenting blows on the Indian Army and government.

Sharia and India

Even if sharia endures as a personal law in India for centuries to come, it can never take the place of a mandatory statute,…