HOWDY MODI! Trump welcomes Modi in Houston!

Earlier, USA was important for India and now India is important for USA, This is difference that Modi brought.

Judicial & police reforms – The need of the hour

Artificial Intelligence may benefit the Indian Law and Judiciary system to a great extent if used in a proper way.

पैसा और आप- भाग 1

ये सत्य है की भारतियों में बचत करने की फितरत बचपन से ही रहती है लेकिन बचत से ज्यादा अगर महंगाई हो जाये तो…

Less known facts to PMC Bank depositors and long term debt investors

With more and more banks going to be set up after ‘on TAP’ licensing to small Finance, Payment banks etc there should be a…

Navadurga – The embodiment of woman power

On the auspicious occasion of Bijaya Dashami, as a society, let us recognize the true capabilities of our women and give them the respect…

Western Right is not Indian Right

Search on internet and see Indian conservatives retweeting and lapping up words of people like Katie Hopkins and whoever says anything against liberals. They…

9 reasons why India is famous worldwide

India is certainly beyond spicy food and dirty streets.

Ayushman Bhavah Bharat! Modi Sarkar’s biggest game changer has turned one

As Modi Government’s flagship scheme Pradhanmantri Jan Arogya Yojana, popularly known as Ayushman Bharat turns one this month, here is how this is massively…

Tamil Nadu is galloping towards Desh Bhakti from Deva (देव) Bhakti, Drawidianism is crumbling

In brief, AIADMK was always seen as a positive force whereas DMK is seen more as a party always brood over negativity, hate politics,…

Travesty of the Indic faith

As funny as it seems, the adopted idea of India and democracy is perhaps dictated by the constitutional experts on the basis of which…