Why India can’t afford a free run of the Corona virus

To put it straight: India is not prepared to meet the requirement of ICU ventilator beds if Covid-19 spirals out of control.

Corona pandemic: An opportunity to rethink global mobility

The concept of Gram Swaraj (self-reliant villages) by Mahatma Gandhi decades back seems more relevant in the current situation

लाल सलाम से लाल कोरोना तक! और कितनी जानें लोगे वामपंथियों?

तानाशाही व्यवस्था वाले चीन से यूँ तो ज़्यादा खबरें बाहर नहीं आतीं, परन्तु इस बार कुछ अंतर्राष्ट्रीय मीडिया में ये खबरें छपी है के…

All in the name of Coronavirus

Do we have a vaccine for HIV? No; Maleria? No; SARS/MERS? No; But we are not scared of them today. Why?

Battle of the fringe

Every part of the ecosystem has its own fringe and It is easy to spot the “Battle of the Fringe” being played out around…

After Janata Curfew, time for Aam Janta Rescue

The result is the Janta Curfew on 22nd March, 2020, on Sunday, which the world networks are talking about as a ‘successful and effective…

Janatha Curfew is no joke- We shall overcome

United, We Shall Overcome. Yes, we are 1.3 Billion strong. Our demographic dividend can be a killer too. The numbers we have, matter. In…

Ranjan Gogoi appointment and blame-game by the opposition

The former Chief Justice of Supreme Court of India, Shri Ranjan Gogoi has been appointed to the upper house by the current government must…

Importance of Sanskrit: Parliament passes Sanskrit university bill

It’s not only Modi Government, who are continuously talking about the importance of Sanskrit, the mother of all Indian languages but the western fascination…

Priorities for the new Shivraj Singh Chouhan government in Madhya Pradesh -A citizen’s viewpoint

It will be a major challenge for Shivraj Singh to not only get back to power but to stay on in power as his…