How “Education” ruined Bharat

The system that British created to enslave Bharat and it's population was our current "Education system" which turned Bharat and Bhartiya into "India and…

Will the real TJ please stand up

It is not wrong to say that the real Tablighis here are not only the ones who decided to throw law and instructions out…

पारंपरिक भारतीय मूल्य Covid19 से लड़ने के लिए कैसे सही हैं

यह समझने की जरूरत है कि हालांकि भारत के पास Covid19 को ठीक करने के लिए वैक्सीन बना पाने की ठीक ठाक संभावना है,…

Duties, rights and woke libbies

While in India we have got a hell lot of rights to enjoy, but the duties we perform is meager and negligible.

अम्बेडकरवादियों का सच

बाबासाहेब का यथार्थवाद वर्तमान समय में किसी भी राजनीतिक दल के खांचे फिट नहीं बैठता। आंबेदकरवाद का पुर्ण अनुकरण किसी दल या नेता के…

Coronear 2020- The year of a new beginning

To avoid landing into an existential conundrum, it is important that we start giving back what mother-nature has bestowed upon us. Else, ‘to be…

‘Make a life’ vs ‘make a living’- Learning it the hard way

While the cooped-up citizenry is ‘busy’ figuring out ways to tip the scale in their favor, the myriad concerns that this pandemic has raised…

Medicos at their best in Coronear 2020

Medicos are blessed with tremendous fortitude which strengthens with every patient they handle. It is disheartening to know that India’s expenditure on empowering these…

If I were Narendra Damordas Modi

Keeping you home is tough for you but tougher for the govt.

7 वचन या मुस्लिम पर सितम

अंकों के फेर में मुस्लिमों को मत फंसाइये, अपनी मान्यताएं उनसे पूरी मत करवाइये, याद रखिए ऊपर वाला सब देख रहा हैं।