श्री अरविंद केजीरिवाल से १६ सवाल और एक विनम्र अपील देशवासियों से

1. सबसे पहला सवाल आपने किस मुस्लिम नेता के दवाब में मरकज  में 5000+ लोगो को आने दिया ? 2. महाराष्ट्र पहले ही मरकज…

Meltdown of a secular journalist

Sr. journalist, Saba Naqvi's stand is of an apologist, someone who condones violence, a position of a hypocrite with jaundice.

जिहादी सोच वही, अंदाज़ नया

अभी के कोरोना संकट में जो तब्लीगी जमात ने किया वो फिर से इस बात की पुष्टि करता है की मुस्लमान परिवार सहित मरने…

Is Rahul Gandhi laying a foundation for Congress Mukt Bharat?

The early trends for the Indian general elections in 2024 came out as soon as Mr. Gandhi completed his 64-65 minutes AICC Virtual Media…

The reason why Muslims choose ‘stone pelting’ to protest is associated with Islamic custom called- Rami al-Jamarat or Stoning the Devil

In the ritual, Rami al-Jamarat or Stoning the Devil, Muslim pilgrims throw pebbles at three walls called the Jamarat, located in the city of…

The airport bookshop: A victim of the new normal in a post Corona world

Every time the world faces a calamity, man-made or natural, new protocol is put in place, minor changes that you quickly adapt to and…

कोरोना विज्ञान या विचार की उपज: वामपंथ बनाम सनातन

हमेशा संकट काल मे चीन और उसके जैसे भस्मासुरी प्रवृत्ति के देश अपना लाभ और व्यापारिक हित देखते हैं जबकि भारत सदा से ही…

Role of the WHO is under the scanner

Not surprisingly, WHO is the latest victim of Trump administration. USA stopped funding to the WHO while questioning its credibility and role in dealing…

Yogi takes his own path

3 years on Yogi has turned to be a man of his own. While still under the shadow of PM Modi he is creating…

Dear Hindu! Stop giving justification to everyone

Accept your identity and declare your existence. There is no need to hide our folklore, traditions and Sanatan under the cover of science.