Radio as the spokesperson of vulnerable children

Within a span of only 11 days, the Childline India helpline received more than 92,000 calls seeking protection from child abuse and violence, and…

Undermining merit in JK Bank exams for regional cum minority appeasement

This is one of many classical examples of day to day discrimination people of Jammu had faced even before 370 and to some extent…

पालघर हत्या या द्वेष?

अख़लाक़ खान, पहलू खान कोई भी हो सबके लिए देशव्यापी रोष था, हैशटैग चले थे, सारी पार्टीयों में जैसे गुस्से का तूफान आ गया…

COVID19 – Challenges and opportunities for India

The challenges to be faced next will be bringing back economies to normal, unemployment, NPAs, Growth.

Hats off to 1.3 billion Indians and their leader

this crisis showed that, Indian life was much more protected than rest of the world. India was also able to treat many foreigners, who…

Yes, I am Islamophobic!

Someday, I hope that a majority of my country see things the same way and has the courage to call a spade, a spade…

Judiciary may need to adapt itself in these pandemic times

In such difficult times, the Judiciary may be well advised to introduce the precept and practice of Written Submissions, (which is now part of…

WTI Crude Oil decline & impact on India

Those rejoicing the drop in Crude oil prices and mocking Indian government for not lowering despite the drop, it's time to educate ourselves on…

लिंचिंग लिंचिंग में फरक..

लिंचिंग लिंचिंग में भी फरक होता है साहेब,, एक इन्टॉलरेंट लिंचिंग है, तो दूसरी केवल ग़लतफ़हमी.

Four More shots: How the web series is conveying wrong messages to today’s youth about freedom and Feminism.

The web series claims to be feminist but instead of showing women empowerment and a idea about having an ideal future that may motivate…