Minnesota, the latest victim of a ‘coup experiment’

there are few sections of our population ready to riot and run amok at the drop of a hat. Their reasons for such a…

Easing lockdown a gamble?

If we want to compare economic condition and job loss due to lockdown and blame the govt., we ought to compare the mortality rate…

भारत चीन सीमा विवाद और व्यापार घाटा

इस समय भारत के लिए एक सुनहरा अवसर है कि चीन से निकलने वाली कंपनियों का भारत में स्थापित करवाएं और वह सब सहूलियत…

दिल्ली दंगा को नरसंहार बतलाने वाले वामपंथी गिरोह का पोस्टमार्टम

आखिर वामपंथी गिरोह की नीयत क्या इन है? ये लोग का मकसद बिल्कुल साफ रहता है कहीं मौका मिले देश की अन्तराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर…

Ali Sohrab shows his anti-national fangs by calling Sharjeel Imam a “leader”; is the Muslim society shooting themselves on their foot by supporting this claim?

Ali Sohrab has a track record of being involved in anti-Hindu and anti-India activities. In the backdrop of the Ram Mandir verdict in 2019,…

Alternate reality of those who castigate ‘Bhakts’

They are some of those who live in the 'alternate reality' where they 'believe' Nehru and Mughals are responsible for anything good that happened…

कोरोना काल: स्कूल बनाम अभिवावक

क्या बच्चों की पढ़ाई की पूरी जिम्मेदारी सिर्फ स्कूल की है, अभिभावकों की बिल्कुल भी नहीं? क्या कोरोनावायरस वैश्विक महामारी में जब दुनिया ज़्यादा…

Redefining health in the pandemic

The fact that scores of individuals are successfully traversing sun-scorched lanes almost empty-stomach for days together, shows that one meal a day is enough…

PM-CARES: Why it is not under the ambit of RTI

PM-NRF, a similar trust was set up by PM, Jawaharlal Nehru in his "personal capacity" in the year 1948. Interestingly, PM-NRF too, isn't under…

Congress campaign split up in it’s own

Sonia Gandhi announces the party will pay for the train tickets of the labourers and Rahul Gandhi doesn’t even tweet about it.