Why only certain lives matter?

An opinion piece calling out the hypocrisy of anti-establishment propaganda-driven leftist politics targeting the silent majority in India and US by means of violence…

SATYAN NASTI PARO DHARMA: An answer to Fatima Khan

Crypto-coded language used by writer is indicative of the fact that the involved forensic expert is biased, his report can be directed against one…

Beginner’s guide for the Indian Liberalism exam

It is important to remember that Indian Liberal’s love for India is not desi love. Indian Liberal loves India the way an outsider would…

क्यूँ भारत में मार्क्सवाद कभी सफल नहीं हो पाएगा

मार्क्सवाद का भारत में असफल होने का एक अन्य कारण उसका क्रूर स्वभाव है. समाज के समक्ष अहिंसा की दुहाई देने वाली यह वामपंथी…

A Nandi that’s facing the wall

The original temple of Kashi was demolished by Aurangzeb and there was no Kashi Vishwanath temple for more than 100 years. Later in 1775,…

केरल में हथिनी की मौत: क्या वे मानव हैं?

इंसानियत को शर्मसार करने वाली घटना केरल के मलप्पुरम जिले की है यहां एक गर्भवती भूखी हथनी को पटाखे भरे अनानास खिलाने से मौत…

The journey of anti-CAA virus in the U.S.: A tale of three cities

Kshama Sawant, a Hindu immigrant embraces Hindu phobic ideology and lead an anti-India campaign to seek a stage for her future political dreams.

Bollywood Actors and #BLM

The brave Bollywood actors standing up for the rights of Black people in the United States against police brutality; while simultaneously promoting fairness products…

NDTV continues it’s hypocritical legacy

After publishing the report at 5:35 PM IST, NDTV edited the report around 6 hours later and carefully changed ‘fed’ to ‘ate’ and from…

मंदिर को नष्ट करके जमीन हडपने की साजिश

भारत में लगातार मुस्लिम, वामपंथी, कांग्रेस, ईसाई चर्च के द्वारा के द्वारा ये कोशिश की जा रही है की मंदिर पे कब्ज़ा करके उस…