Is Covid-19 a blessing in disguise for India?

Nitin Gadkari - a highest-ranking cabinet minister said Covid-19 is the blessing in Disguise, which insights that the medium and long term picture of…

Liberals expose their extreme intolerance

The Liberals have been shown up for what they are. ‘The hypocritical bunch’, as historian Niall Ferguson called them once. It is strange that…

Why you should take charge of your retirement

Young people have a great advantage of time that can work in their favour. People can follow a target based approach mentioned here to…

“Will make you wear a brass Hijab”, AMU student threatens fellow Hindu classmate

This is not the first time that a Hindu student is threatened in AMU. Many such incidents have taken place against those students who…

Establishing new narrative with incomplete truth about India’s population

When left- liberals focus on shrinking young population and indirectly disregard need of family planning; its time for the nation is to be vigilant.

Lessons for Congress and Rahul Gandhi

Rahul Gandhi’s non-stop anti-government diatribe not only exposes his intellectual level but proves that he hasn’t learnt anything. Yet, Sonia Gandhi has been promoting…

‘Sachin Pilot’ episode overplayed by ‘ODNE’ journalists

No doubt, Sachin has been a hardworking, suave, well-educated and media savvy political leader. But does he really have the kind of achievement in…

India’s Stockholm syndrome

The first leaders of independent India committed greater injustice in 60 years than the British or the Islamists in all of history by audaciously…

Final year assessment of students must not be compromised in the name of pandemic for narrow political gains

Delhi University must find a way to conduct the examinations that would make the assessment of all kinds of acquired skills of the students…

Right to Dissent- Repercussion with free speech

Sedition is big word, and to prove it is rather bigger and mightier task but we cannot pollute the essence of our constitution in…