Sunday, September 29, 2024



The call for Hindu unity across the globe

The Hindus should unite and some knowledgeable Hindus should share their vision of Hindu Unity and how every Hindu should protect their culture and religion. We should not forget that we belong from a community which had brave warriors like Maharana Pratap and Chattrapati Shivaji Maharaj.

Open Letter to the Prime Minister

I’m writing this letter as the son of a policeman, who has faced anxiety of his father’s safety on February 25, 2020, or on January 26, 2021.

रक्षामंत्री ने की इन्दिरा गांधी की प्रशंसा, अमित शाह आतंकवाद पर बरसे

आतंकवाद को लेकर पाकिस्तान पर निशाना साधते हुए गृह मंत्री अमित शाह ने बृहस्पतिवार को कहा कि पांच साल पहले भारत द्वारा की गई सर्जिकल स्ट्राइक की कार्रवाई ने विश्व में कड़ा सदेश दिया कि कोई भी देश की सीमा में हस्तक्षेप नहीं कर सकता।

Hypocrisy of politicians and celebrities on Diwali resulting into Hindu Muslim hatred

This hypocrisy and selective targeting is problematic resulting into increase in hatred between Hindu and Muslims.

Is PM Modi most powerful PM in India?

Narendra Modi has not only changed the youth but also he has changed the ideologies of opposition.

What made Vijay Rupani resign?

Assembly elections are due in Gujarat in December next year. But around 15 Months before elections, Chief Minister of the state Vijay Rupani has...

Hindus and Sikhs are being brought to India is not secular: When was any Muslim denied to come back to India?

The lobby says that India is not secular under the BJP. If it is so, then like other Islamic nations in our country's preamble, we can also state that we are a 'Hindu Nation'.

Whether Kongu region is pro Hindutva region?

BJP should see a win near future in this region too.

Project Pegasus or trojan horse?

Indeed what is worrying that the government is not snooping on the people. It shows its pusillanimous attitude with National Security.

Voters, thought-slavery and Indian political space

Thought-slaves exist in all parties; and are sometimes called ‘sicular’ sometimes ‘bhakt’, ‘IT gang’, at times ‘Lutyens’, ‘Khan market Gang’ and so on.

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